Korean Women's Tassel Shoulder Bag Large Capacity Handbag BlackPrice: $5.14I was looking for a bag exactly like this since I am looking forward to joining back work in the future. It has a small handle which you can stylishly carry around and also a large strap which doubles up as a shoulder bag. The material is synthetic leather and of good quality. There is a small tassle attached to the zipper which makes it look trendy and chic. I love the bag for it is spacious and easy to carry around while traveling.
For each of these items shipping was applicable as I mentioned above it was sent via courier partner, in fact for us in India that is the cheapest option available and I really liked their service. Under each product it will calculate and give you options for the shipping fee.My overall impression has been great of this website. They have so many products. The clothes section is amazing. They also have the Free Shipping tab and a Flashbuy $0.01 option. Do check it out, I am sure you will find something worthwhile.
Have you ever shopped from Dresslink before? How was your experience if Yes? Let me know in the comments section..
Until next time.. Have a great weekend xoxo
P.S: Sponsored post.. My honest opinions**