Unless you're extremely lucky or have been blessed with incredible genes chances are you're suffered
from the odd break out of two (or a hundred!) in your lifetime. I know I have had my fair share and
over the past almost 20 years I have tried and tested countless amounts of bottles, potions and tubes
to try and get rid of them for good! I do have a few holy grails which I will continue to use for as
long as I feel I need to and at the moment I am also using these - Dream Dots!

What has me loving these are how unique they are! They are not just another facial wash, serum or
even gel. They are patches! Yes patches, similar to that of a cold sore patch which a fellow fav
blogger of mine pointed out to me recently.

They are small, discreet and so easy to use! You just pop one on over that annoying angry spot
and sleep with it on overnight. By morning the spot will have changed from clear to a whitish shade
and once you peel it off you will see you zit calmed right down. Less red and puffy and over the
period of a few days it will disappear completely! Not bad when it does all this whilst you sleep!
Recently I had a break out around my lower cheek area and wanted to get rid of them asap,
especially since I have been on a bit of a filming binge lately and nobody wants to be distracted by
that in a beauty video! So I madly stuck about 5 onto my face at once and over about 2-3 days my
face was pretty much back to normal. Yay!

For details on where you can purchase yourself some Dream Dots make sure you check out their
website for more info!
Have you heard of or tried Dream Dots before?
Watch my video review below!
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Thanks for stopping by today! It was great seeing you! :)

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