A few weeks a go you may have seen that I was lucky enough to have won the EtailPR £250 Facebook competition. I was sent a box full to the brim of goodies from the likes of Linzi Shoes, Macadamia Oil, Yogi hair, Elemis & Dr Organic. I have managed to put all of the products Etail sent me to the test& I'm at the stage now where I'll be writing a few separate reviews to avoid spamming you with hoards of information. But todays review is of two of the many products I received from Dr Organic, the Argan Oil shampoo & conditioner. So, onto the review itself. We all know the benefits of Argan Oil for our hair, & I'm not an Argan oil virgin either, many of my favorite shower time treats are AO based, so Dr Organics shampoo & conditioner sounded perfect. Firstly, all of the products are packaged very nicely, many of the ones I received came in lovely boxes & all the bottle caps are embossed silver which instantly look luxurious. I love bath products to look inviting as well as be great for your body/hair, so again, these little treats looked practically perfect. If you read my blog you'll know smells and scents are a big thing for me. I spend half my life in places like Lush and The Body Shop getting floral and fruity products, so you can imagine my disappointment when I found the shampoo & conditioner smelt vile. You may think vile is a strong word to use, but honestly It smelt like I had smeared medicine on my hair, which I guess considering the products came from Dr Organic, that's no big surprise. But jeez, even Creature told me to wash my hair again with my usual products! I didn't, in the name of beauty reviews, I stuck out the smell (and yes it lingered) for the next two days until I jumped back in the shower & used my trusty Macadamia Oil. Putting a side the smell issues, I must admit that my hair did feel really soft afterwards & I can't deny that it's something my hair could benefit from more (that being a good wash with a good quality Argan Oil product) I can whole heartedly vouch that the shampoo & conditioner does what it says on the tin. It smoothes and cleanses the hairs cuticle fibres leaving it looking and feeling beautifully rehydrated and revitalised. - Which it did.. But would I reach for the product again? Probably not. Overall I have to admit, I don't think I could get past the smell issue. If it didn't linger quite so strongly I would have reconsidered, because it honestly did make my hair look fabulous.. But honestly I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin after using it. & no amount of shine can counter the smell for me. Have you ever tried Dr Organic Argan Oil Shampoo & conditioners? Bloglovin | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram