Hair & Beauty Magazine

DOWNTOWN ATOMIC HQ: 14 Things I Will Be Doing in 2014

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
DOWNTOWN ATOMIC HQ: 14 things I will be doing in 2014

These will be a new series of posts I’ll be featuring sporadically on the blog. It’s part of the new direction I’m taking with REESEATOMIC.COM.AU.

This was inspired by Fat Mum Slim‘s post, where she encourages you to do fourteen ordinary things to do in 2014. These are my fourteen things I plan to do this year…

DOWNTOWN ATOMIC HQ: 14 things I will be doing in 2014

1. Make birthday cards

2. Play more board games
Now that we live in the day of social media and smartphones, I miss the days where you could sit down with one of your friends and play some old fashion board games. I’m not talking about Words with Friends, I’m referring to games like Monopoly, Scrabble (which is my all-time favourite!) and Guess Who? Games that are mindless, enjoyable and ones where points don’t matter.

3. Feeding the ducks in Centennial Park
Another favorite past time that I never do anymore. I grew up in the Eastern Suburbs and I remember almost every weekend with my family, we’d head down to the park, do a few laps on our bikes and then feed the ducks. It’s something I’m definitely going to make time for this year.

4. Buy more flowers
For the last six months or so, I’ve been getting up early on a Saturday morning and heading down to the markets to pick up some fresh flowers for my home. It’s quickly become a routine and something I enjoy putting together for my home. I love going to the markets, rain, hail or shine, with my latte and pointing out the gorgeous shades to brighten the place up for the week.

5. Take more photos
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll notice that I only post selfies once in a while, and it’s usually to “brag” about what color combination I’ve managed to pull off on my eyes.
I’ve taken more joy from taking photos of moments of silliness, happiness, love and the awfully cute things my girls get up to. Taking photos has always been a passion of mine and I will never want to stop sharing my life in picture form.

6. Stop making excuses
Particularly regarding exercise. Since I became a shift worker in the beginning of 2013, I’ve used the excuse of having to get up early in the morning to go for a run (which is a lie). Although I’m not obese, I should exercise a lot more than I do. I know I’ll also feel a lot better and awake.

7. Cook more
I’ve always enjoyed cooking, and although I’m not like other foodies who enjoy eating food, I’m one of those people who enjoy cooking a meal because I have to eat. I also really enjoy cooking meals for my partner, which I’m yet to do.

8. Care less
When 2014 began, I vowed to myself that I wasn’t going to bother with petty drama and get swept up with gossip, especially when it was none of my business. Also, I’m going to start ignoring negative being said about me, because I know they’re not true.

9. Be in the moment
That means, when I’m spending time with my boy, or friends or family, I’m going to not look at my phone every five seconds because the social media world can wait. Those who have taken their time out of their own lives to spend time with me, deserve me to be there with them.
At the moment, I have my Facebook account deactivated. Although it won’t be forever, this is my preemptive step forward to something positive.

10. Dance around the house whilst doing house chores
Remember that old saying, Dance like nobody is watching? I’m bringing that back and I’m adding a bit of “flair” and killing 2 birds with one stone by mixing it up with housework. I mean, who wouldn’t find vacuuming and dance around to Rick Astley enjoyable?

11. Laugh more
My grandmother always mentions during my weekly visits that she loves to hear me laugh. I laugh – a lot – and usually long after the humor has died off in a joke. Laughing is always associated with happiness, and happiness is a choice. So, choose happiness and laugh whenever you can.
PS. It also helps when you have an amazing boyfriend with a beautiful sense of humor and can effortlessly incorporate Simpsons quotes in to your everyday conversations.

12. Do one good deed a day
Always good for the soul to put positive energy and vibes out into the universe. It also doesn’t go unrewarded with karma points.

13. Volunteer
I’m definitely going to get more involved in worthy causes that I feel strongly about. For me, it will be towards animal shelters and if there’s one thing I will advise anyone looking for a pet: ADOPT and make sure you want a pet, because no shelter ever wants an animal to return there.

14. Fall in love
…Said the hopeless romantic. Yes, yes, I said it. I am absolutely looking forward to falling in love this year. After being with an emotional impotent boy for a decade, I felt that I wasn’t worthy of love. However, with the new year and a new attitude, I know better. I know, in time, it will happen and I can’t wait til it does.

DOWNTOWN ATOMIC HQ: 14 things I will be doing in 2014
What’s 14 ordinary things you will be doing in 2014?

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