Entertainment Magazine

Download of the Week (6/28/13): Tawny Ellis “What She Don’t Know”

Posted on the 28 June 2013 by Catchmyear @catchmyear

Tawny ellis What She Don't KnowTawny Ellis song “What She Don’t Know” is this week download of the week is a unsigned artist that will be very shortly.  Tawny was kind enough to contact me through the website and I have to say I am glad that she did.  I first hear her music and I knew I had to feature her on the website some how.

This song is just chucked full of emotion that makes you stop what you are doing so you can listen to every little bit of it.  The song starts off with acoustic guitars and drums and then her voice comes in at just the right tone.  the chorus of this song is also very well done.  The harmony that was done is amazing and not every artist is able to do but she was able to pull it off.  Also everything ties together so nicely and some songs don’t even do that any more.

This song is so well done that once it’s done you want to take a listen to it over again.

You can purchase this song from iTunes….so what are you waiting for?  Go download it NOW!

Also please visit her website, like her on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

Image Credit: DMH Photos

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