And that's what's happening here. The gold Citroen Traction Avant limousine has swooped
through the corner with aplomb, and the yellow Citroen Traction Avant cabriolet bringing up the
rear is also in no trouble at all, but the blue Peugeot 203 in the middle is right on the edge,
lifting its inside front wheel as all its weight buries its nose into the bend. For the record,
the Traction limousine is an IXO 1:43 model; the Peugeot 203 is by Soldio; and the Traction
Cabriolet is a very pretty little thing made by Atlas.

Great real-world action shot, isn't it, with the front wheel lifting as the driver powers uphill?
This is a shot from the car rally of the early 50s known as the Tour de France, but unfortunately
I don't have any details on who the original photographer or driver was. With just a 1300cc
engine, Peugeot 203s had only modest power, and to climb a hill quickly a driver had to
do things like this just to keep up momentum. Maybe that's how I thought of the downhill
racing scenario: to some degree it negates the power advantage of a hillclimb, but
admittedly it's way more dangerous and maybe the car with the best brakes and most
insane daredevil of a driver wins?

I'm not so sure about my choice of colours in colourising this nice old black and white photo,
as I have nothing to go on. I found it while looking for background shots for my Antibes diorama,
so I presume it is of the same area. And so, if you are from the South of France and my choice
of colours amuses you, I hope I have made your day!