Doppelganger:A tangible double of a living person that typically represents evil. In the vernacular, the word doppelgänger has come to refer (as in German "doppelt(e)") to any double or look-alike of a person.
To quote Pee Wee Herman (from Big Adventure)
"What's the Significance?" ... ...well, I have a lot of friends that resemble famous people. In my opinion. A few years back I discovered - such a great editing tool! To better familiar myself with its features I started my silly celeb twin project. I even found that some of my blog friends look like famous people...Megan from Polish The Stars

Kate from the frugal vegetarian

Tara from Self Discovery

I was watching the The Haunting of Molly Hartley and I couldn't put my finger on why the main actress looked so familiar. It eventually dawned on me that I felt like I was looking at myself. I Googled Haley Bennett to find that maybe I don't really look like her much at all - a few similar features I suppose. Eh, it's all I can come up with. What do you think?

...who is your celeb look-alike?