Community Magazine

Don’t You Just Love

By Survivingana @survivingana

… how weekends come together, when you get all the family home and it just flows.

That’s ours this weekend. YES it is still raining, but the weekend made up for that. My eldest is home, we are celebrating his 21st which was a month ago but he couldn’t get leave. We did a dinner of Christmas to celebrate 21, 18 and 16 but this weekend was his. It’s just so nice to have the 3 kids back together, just hanging out. It’s like it used to be but with older faces. LOL.

Sophie has been really good this last week. It’s not that everything was plain sailing, but when she hits speed bumps (like a poor mark in English) she tried really hard to not let the disappointment cause her to crash. She managed really well and I am really proud of her. It is also a pleasure to cook particularly for this weekend, and she just eats whatever is there. I don’t have to think or plan ahead to have special anything. She gets moody too, but is trying much harder at distracting herself.

Am relaxing and enjoying a time out weekend, where everything is almost perfect.

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