Culture Magazine

Dolly Review: Monster High Monster Exchange Marisol Coxi

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

Just in time for Christmas, Mattel has started shipping new Monster High dolls.  For review today is one of those dolls!  New for the season is the Monster Exchange line, which features both new and returning characters as they head off to participate in a foreign exchange program.

Monster Exchange Marisol

Monster Exchange Marisol

Monster Exchange Marisol

Monster Exchange Marisol

Marisol Coxi is the daughter of the South American Bigfoot. She is taller than Frankie and her friends and stands about a half-inch above the taller ‘older sister’ type dolls, due to her platforms.  The fact that she towers over the other dolls really adds to the idea that she’s related to Big Foot himself!





Marisol has muted purple skin, though it seems to photograph gray. Her forearms and ankles are molded to look furry.



She has the same number of joints as you’d expect on a Monster High doll. They all work fine.  One downside, though, is that Marisol has very noticeable seam lines on the front and back of her thighs.

Seam Lines

Seam Lines

The real stand out detail on Marisol’s body has to be her large feet.  They’re really neat and look great.

Very Large Feet!

Very Large Feet!

Marisol has rooted, straight dirty pink hair.  Rooted low on her head (and hidden by the dirty pink) is a brighter pink.



It is pulled back with a headband that is attached to the top of her head.  She has bright green braids that hang down both sides of her head.  I’m on the fence when it comes to the green highlights. They’re definitely bright, but I don’t know if I like the bright green accents.  I think I would have preferred them mixed into the pink a little more evenly.



Like Twyla, Marisol has hair that feels like it could easily become frizzy.  It’s sort of confusing, as well, that Marisol has such a simple hairdo, when her character description makes her sound like she’s the type that likes having big hair.  The doll’s current style doesn’t shout ‘big hair’ to me at all.



She wears a strapless dress and a cropped orange cover up.  Her bright orange sweater features big foot prints and stripes.  The skirt on her dress is cinched. It’s black with colorful flower designs all over.



Strapless Dress (top)

Strapless Dress (top)

Dress (bottom)

Dress (bottom)

The look is topped off with a pair of bright pink shoes with molded green tassels (like her hair).



They have a large platform on them, which makes her look even taller than your tallest Monster High doll!



Marisol’s eyes are a similar purple to her skin.  She has more forehead than other dolls. Marisol wears bright green eye shadow with a layer of pink above it. Her brows are thick and purple.



Her lips are a pinkish/purple. Compared to other Monster High dolls, her face could be considered simple. However, that doesn’t bother me when it comes to Marisol.  Because her face isn’t over the top, we can more easily see the fun aspects of her body mold.



Marisol comes with luggage, a comb, stand and her passport.



The luggage is one of the cheaper accessories Mattel has released.  While the luggage opens (always a nice feature), it is held together with a very thin piece of plastic that is already turning white along the edges.  I don’t see this lasting very long with active play.

Overall, I think this is a fine addition to the Monster High line.  I love her taller than average body and elongated feet.  The deflated, frizzy hair is a bit of a disappointment, but Mattel could easily fix that on future releases.  All in all, Marisol is a doll to consider adding to your Monster High collection!



What do you think of Marisol?  Share your thoughts below!

December 1, 2014. Tags: Monster High, review, video review. Category: Introductions & Reviews, Category: Uncategorized.

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