New Monster High dolls have finally started hitting store shelves. You would think it’s Christmas time or something! For review today are two of the four Monster High Art Class dolls, Skelita and Draculaura. Also in the line are Abbey and Robecca. I’m surprised at how much I like the Art Class line!

Art Class Draculaura and Skelita
Draculaura isn’t my favorite Monster High character, but I like this rendition of her. She has the smaller eyes that we’ve seen on other Draculaura’s, which I prefer over the large eyes. Her make up isn’t too over the top. Instead of the usual over abundance of pink on her face, we have a nice bright yellow around her eyes. It works strangely well on the light pink skin.

Draculaura has, by far, the coolest hair she’s ever had. Her black hair is in a high ponytail. It has a row of pink and yellow highlights that start in the bang area and weave their way down and into the ponytail. I really like the addition of the bright yellow in the highlights. The placement seems pretty perfect, too, unlike some Monster High, where the highlight placement is just strange. Surprisingly, the curl in Draculaura’s ponytail stayed pretty well, considering she was in a box.

Draculaura is decked out in an adorable dress. The bodice is yellow and bubble gum pink and travels down to a black skirt decorated in paint splotches. The whole look is finished with a pink apron. The element I like most about this outfit is the paint splotch skirt. There’s something about it that is very cool. This is one of my favorite looks on Draculaura.

It wouldn’t be a Monster High review without talking about Draculaura’s shoes. As always, they are pretty darn cool. These shoes are more tactile than the other styles we’ve seen. The white and pink work really well with the colorful outfit.

I own the first Skelita, but to be perfectly honest, I’m not a huge fan of her. She’s definitely an interesting doll, but something about how Mattel styled her just didn’t suit me. This Skelita, though, is much better! I love her look!

Starting from the top, Skelita’s black hair is highlighted with pumpkin orange and teal. The combination looks really nice together, especially in contrast to her white skin and colorful face. Like Draculaura, Skelita comes wearing a fun headband.

Skelita’s brown eyes are highlighted with a variety of colors including dark brown, purple and baby pink. There’s a lot going on with Skelita’s face paint, but it works very well. With her stark white skin, Mattel almost needs to ‘fill the gaps’, so to speak, and they did it really well with Skelita. Skelita’s mouth is really neat and completes the look.

Skelita’s outfit plays on the idea of color, just like Draculaura’s. With Skelita, she has a pink bodice with rib cage like designs, covered with a fun teal vest. The dress has a colorful skirt with pink, purple, orange and teal embellishments on black, very similar to the styling on Draculaura’s skirt.

Skelita’s shoes are up to Monster High standards. The bright orange definitely makes her bone white legs stand out.


If you’re are new to Skelita (and haven’t noticed in the pictures yet), Skelita has bone-like limbs. They make for a pretty cool affect and work well.


Draculaura and Skelita

Both dolls come with a comb, stand, art journal and prop/accessory. Skelita has a very large vase, as seen above, and Draculaura has this Picasso-esc self portrait. I’m a huge fan of useful accessories and these two fit the bill! They should look great in a doll house or in the background for photo sessions!

Draculaura’s prop/accessory

Skelita and Draculaura

Skelita and Draculaura

Draculaura and Skelita
I think Mattel hit a home run with these two dolls. What I like most is their colorful nature. Both Skelita and Draculaura have great color pallets this time around! Add in their cool props/accessories and these guys are winners!
For those who like video reviews, why not check out the video above?

Draculaura and Skelita
What do you think of Art Class Draculaura and Skelita? Leave you thoughts below in the comment area!