Earlier this year, I posted pictures from the JC Toys booth at Toy Fair. While I’m not a baby doll collector, I left the booth impressed with these realistic vinyl baby dolls. There are a number of different baby dolls produced by JC Toys. Made in Spain, these baby dolls come in both genders and diverse skin tones. Many of their vinyl dolls are anatomically correct and all are highly detailed.

For review today is the Berenguer Boutique La Newborn Layette Gift Set from JC Toys (Amazon link). Unlike many of their dolls, which are 100% vinyl, this La Newborn is made with a soft body and vinyl limbs. She’s 15.5″ tall.

This baby girl is adorable. Her inset, steely gray eyes have specs of silver in them. They look really, really nice and are my favorite thing about this doll. Her glassy gaze is just enchanting.

Adding to that, she has the cutest expression on her face. Her half-open eyes, chubby cheeks and open mouth make her look like she’s actually looking up at you. There’s a sense of wonderment in her expression that isn’t seen on lesser quality baby dolls. Her head is blushed to make it look like she has hints of hair.

One thing I gushed over at Toy Fair were the details on the arms and legs of the JC Toys baby dolls and this La Newborn is no exception. Her hands and feet are incredibly detailed, with unique hand molds that include baby wrinkles, fingers that are sculpted in multiple positions and finger nails.

Her legs are just as detailed, with little wrinkles around the thighs, the cutest knees and darling little feet. I love the little wrinkles around her ankle and her cute little toes.

Also worth noting is the body blushing, which is really well done.

This baby girl comes dressed in a striped onesie, pink socks and a pink hat. Her outfit is fastened with velcro, so you can easily remove it and redress her. While her torso is stuffed, her arms and legs move up and down well. They even hold poses. Her head doesn’t turn as willingly as her arms and legs.

Also included in this set is a baby blanket that you can tie around your baby doll, a birth certificate, pacifier, bottle and pacifier holder. Both the pacifier and bottle fit in this girls open mouth well. The hands are even molded in a way that makes it look like she’s realistically holding them.

Needless to say, this baby doll stole my heart almost immediately. She’s not the most affordable baby doll around, but if you’re looking to gift a quality baby doll to someone, you want to check out JC Toys.

For more information on JC Toys, visit their website, facebook or twitter. Also online is their 2015 Catalog. You’ll find lots of fun baby dolls of all shapes, sizes and colors. All the pictures above can be found on Flickr. Check back later for the video review, featuring Barbee0913.
That’s not all, though! JC Toys has agreed to give one lucky US reader a La Newborn of their very own! To win a doll just like the one I reviewed, fill out the google form below! Earn extra entries for liking JC Toys on Facebook, and/or following them on Twitter.
The contest ends June 6th and is US only. (Sorry, international readers!)
What do you think of this adorable Berenguer Boutique Baby doll? Share your thoughts below!
This product was received for a fair and honest review. All opinions stated are my own.
May 19, 2015. Tags: jc toys, review, toy fair, video review. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.