As I mentioned earlier, I received a My Friend Cayla last month for review. 18″ Cayla officially hits US stores in August of 2015. Because the android app I need to download for her isn’t out yet, I have to wait a while to give you a real demo of what she does. However, below is a video that will explain a bit about what she should do, as well as give you an idea of her look and feel!
This interactive, Bluetooth enabled talking doll is already on store shelves across Europe and elsewhere, so you may have heard of her before. She also may be familiar because of my recent Toy Fair coverage.

More photos can be found on Flickr. In August, I hope to have a video up showing this talking doll in action. Stay tuned!
June 12, 2015. Tags: Introduction, my friend cayla, review, video review. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.