Lifestyle Magazine

Doing Sunflowers with Style: Mitton Hall Wedding

By Claire

I feel as though I’ve fol­lowed Alexis’s wed­ding plan­ning jour­ney a lit­tle, and I was excited to see her wed­ding day — I’d heard all about the lovely lady from my friend and wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Jonny Draper months and months ago when we first met.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (16)

I admired Jonny’s approach to build­ing his (already suc­cess­ful) wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy busi­ness around friend­ships, both with clients and wed­ding sup­pli­ers. Alexis was to become a huge part of that — I’d already seen her with Adam on their cool pre-wedding shoot in Castle­field (fea­tured here too: City Chic engage­ment shoot). I spot­ted her at the Mit­ton Hall Wed­ding Sup­per Club on Jonny’s blog, and then she mod­elled at the West Dids­bury Wed­ding Event in March — I felt as though I knew Alexis already!

I knew Alexis and Adam were excited about their wed­ding day, and I’ve been look­ing for­ward to blog­ging this for a long time! Alexis makes such a beau­ti­ful bride, and Adam looks so good in that suit! I’m delighted that Alexis has writ­ten a lovely wed­ding report for the blog — with fab rec­om­men­da­tions for some great north west wed­ding sup­pli­ers too.


wedding photo by Jonny Draper (29)

Look­ing out the win­dow on the morn­ing of our big day we were faced with gray skies and rain. I spent the morn­ing at my par­ents’ house with my Mum, Dad, 6 brides­maids and flower girl whilst Adam was at our house with the boys. Con­sid­er­ing the house was filled with girls (6 brides­maids, the bride, the flower girl, my mom and the hair­dresser) the morn­ing was really calm and my Dad looked after us, mak­ing sure we were fed and our cham­pagne glasses were always topped up.

The excite­ment really kicked in when my beau­ti­ful wed­ding flow­ers arrived from Flower Design. After months of plan­ning and throw­ing ideas around with Jane I was so excited to see how she had inter­preted mine and Adam’s vision, well… she didn’t dis­ap­point! We decided that we wanted the flow­ers to be a lot of fun and kept away from hav­ing just one main type of flower. Instead I wanted to have as much vari­ety as pos­si­ble, some­thing bright and fun but com­pletely unique. And so the brides­maids’ bou­quets were all dif­fer­ent but included ele­ments of my bou­quet and the flower girls were a smaller ver­sion of mine.

Mean­while, our wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Jonny Draper had arrived to snap some morn­ing shots of Adam and his groom’s party relax­ing with a beer before being picked up by the wed­ding car (Chrysler 300 stretch baby Bent­ley and a baby Bent­ley for the bride and groom).

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (31)

The groom’s party arrived at the church to be wel­comed by Jane from Flower Design who was wait­ing to present them each with an indi­vid­u­ally designed but­ton hole, she explained what and why she had included in their flow­ers as she pre­cisely pinned them to their jacket. They looked stunning!

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (27)

I arrived at the church some­how before the brides­maids and was duly sent away by our pho­tog­ra­pher and told to do a few laps of the grounds. My brides­maids finally arrived (mak­ing the groom 15 min­utes late) fol­lowed by the bride.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (26)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (25)

The ser­vice at St. Anne’s Church was beau­ti­ful, we chose a read­ing for Adam’s sis­ter to read and my aun­tie cre­ated a spe­cial poem for us that my cousin read. We actu­ally took time to select hymns that would actu­ally mean some­thing to us. As we are both not very reli­gious or have church going fam­i­lies we really didn’t want to have that awk­ward moment when no one sings the hymns, so invest­ing in hav­ing the local choir made a huge dif­fer­ence to the cer­e­mony, I would def­i­nitely rec­om­mend this.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (24)

I bought my dress from Ambi­ence Bridal in Garstang near where I live in Black­pool. The designer was Sot­tero and Midg­ley and the dress name was Miriam. The dress was a long bodice with an A-Line tulle skirt. To make the dress more unique I asked the team at Ambi­ence to incor­po­rate a tulle shoul­der piece. I chose this dress because it com­bined all of my favorite ele­ments from other dresses I had pre­vi­ously seen. I knew that I def­i­nitely wanted a long fit­ted bodice and an A-line skirt but dif­fer­ent dresses I tried on were either too short in the body or too puffy at the waist. Peo­ple were shocked by my dress choice as they thought I would go for some­thing more fit­ted in both the body and length. How­ever, you only get to wear a big dress once and this was my chance and I’m so glad I did.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (3)

With my dress hav­ing a band of jew­els around the waist­line I didn’t want to go too bling with my acces­sories. Adam gave me a swarovski bracelet as a wed­ding gift and I bought my ear­rings and head piece from Deben­hams. After buy­ing my head piece I decided I wasn’t going to wear it as I thought it looked too much. How­ever, on the day I changed my mind and I’m glad I did as I felt it fin­ished the dress off and actu­ally com­pli­mented the jew­els on my dress and my bracelet rather than look­ing over the top.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (19)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (20)

So to the venue, Mit­ton Hall is exactly what we were look­ing for. We wanted to com­bine clas­sic Eng­lish coun­try manor meets mod­ern com­forts. We had looked at some really old build­ings that were very grand, but we never felt that they were ‘us’, didn’t reflect our per­son­al­ity, so when we found Mit­ton Hall we were delighted.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (23)

Adam and I didn’t want to go tra­di­tional when it came to the suits. Adam didn’t want him­self and his groom party to feel uncom­fort­able in a rented heavy tail suit (as those things never fit prop­erly) so we found a smart suit in Next that was too flashy for work but the navy and shine we were look­ing for. As Adam wears a suit every day for work it was impor­tant that we found some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. Also the suits made a great gift for the groom’s party rather than wast­ing the same amount of money on rent­ing. The boys all wore the same black patent shoes and belt, again some­thing Adam would never wear for work. Adams look was fin­ished off by ‘Mont Blanc’ cuf­flinks: my gift to him on our wed­ding day.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (22)

We were cer­tainly blessed with the weather for the rest of the day. As we came out of the church the sun came out which was a real relief. Although we’d tried not to get too stressed out about rain which was really helped by our photographer’s atti­tude dur­ing the build up, our pre wed­ding shoot filmed at Man­ches­ter locks was an amaz­ing day with some great pic­tures, despite the relent­less rain on the day. It gave us the con­fi­dence to relax and have total trust in Jonny to get some amaz­ing pic­tures what­ever the weather.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (21)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (18)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (17)

We con­cen­trated most of our flower bud­get on the venue for the recep­tion and wed­ding break­fast. Flow­ers don’t come cheap and we really wanted to make the most of our bud­get with­out leav­ing any areas light. So, we chose to just lightly dec­o­rate the church mak­ing use of some of flower designs great acces­sories such as bird cages and lanterns. We only had a few in the entrance to the church, but when lit looked really effec­tive and set the mood. Inside the church again was just min­i­mal with pew ends on every other pew. Some­times less is more and we were cer­tainly more than happy with the out­come. We didn’t want to have the usual huge flower dis­plays at the altar just because it’s the ‘thing to do’ and I’m really glad we didn’t now.

On arriv­ing at Mit­ton Hall we were greeted by the mas­ter of cer­e­monies Dave with a warm smile, con­grat­u­la­tions and glass of cham­pagne. But noth­ing was to pre­pare us for what waited inside the recep­tion room.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (15)

We had said to Flower Design that we had an idea of hav­ing a ‘classic/vintage Eng­lish’ theme, tak­ing some ele­ments of Alice in Won­der­land in the way that not every­thing is as it seems. Adam and I were adamant that we didn’t want it to be a ‘theme’, some­thing that was tacky or cheesy and we’re a lit­tle ner­vous as to how things would turn out. Well, we needn’t have wor­ried, we entered the room and were truly amazed at what we saw.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (14)

It lit­er­ally took our breath away, Jane and Flower Design had exceeded any expec­ta­tion we had ever had. The table dec­o­ra­tions were unbe­liev­able, so intri­cate and noth­ing like we had ever seen before. Every table was dif­fer­ent, I can’t begin to describe how many dif­fer­ent flow­ers must have been used to cre­ate the dis­plays, but they were all per­fect In their own way. Jane had worked closely with spe­cialised cakes to cre­ate the cen­tre pieces. The cakes looked like flow­ers and the flow­ers looked like cakes, we couldn’t tell the dif­fer­ence. Jane had also incor­po­rated the Eng­lish tea idea by cre­at­ing flower dis­plays out of tea pots and cups and saucers, sim­ply beautiful.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (13)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (12)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (11)

From here on in the day just seemed to get bet­ter. The sun stayed out allow­ing us to get some awe­some pic­tures, the music pro­vided by a string quar­tet set a lovely atmos­phere and the canapés went down a treat. We had a fan­tas­tic meal which every­one com­pli­mented on and we were more than looked after by the excep­tional team of Mit­ton Hall. Jonny, Dave (mas­ter of cer­e­monies and chief wed­ding coor­di­na­tor) and Paul Guard (our wed­ding singer) all worked well together mak­ing our day seem seam­less and stress free (exactly how it should be on your big day).

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (10)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (9)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (8)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (7)

Our wed­ding advice would be organ­ise the most impor­tant things first which to us was: venue, pho­tog­ra­pher, flow­ers in that order. Employ the best peo­ple and you will have the best day with the best memories.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (6)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (5)

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (4)

Paul sang at both the wed­ding break­fast and the evening recep­tion. Ini­tially we were a lit­tle appre­hen­sive at how enter­tain­ment at the wed­ding break­fast would work out. We didn’t want it to be chessey or too in your face but wanted to set a nice tone for the after­noon. Paul assured us he would gauge how peo­ple reacted to him and plan his set around this. Luck­ily our guests were quite lively and joined in both singing and danc­ing. Paul sang our first dance which rounded off the whole day perfectly.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (2)

Peo­ple asked us straight after our wed­ding “would you do it again?” the answer was “Only if it was EXACTLY the same”.

wedding photo by Jonny Draper (1)

Our day was every­thing we wanted and couldn’t have been achieved with­out the work of care­fully selected wed­ding gurus.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

All of our sup­pli­ers didn’t just sell us prod­ucts but sold us a great expe­ri­ence right from ini­tially meet­ing them, up until the big day. This resulted in trea­sured mem­o­ries and some great friends made along the way.

Jonny Draper (Of course!!!!) — The best pho­tog­ra­pher!! We didn’t look at any­one else’s work. We knew by look­ing at Jonny’s port­fo­lio of work and the first time meet­ing him in per­son that he was the man for the job! Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blogJonny Draper facebook

Mit­ton Hall – A beau­ti­ful venue with a great team of staff. This venue mixes old with mod­ern allow­ing us to have the per­fect tra­di­tional Eng­lish wed­ding (we wanted this as we were mov­ing to the USA straight after the wed­ding for 2 years) in an old build­ing but with mod­ern com­forts and inte­rior design. Mit­ton Hall on facebook

Flower Design – Jane from flower design brought our ideas to life in a way Adam and I couldn’t have done alone. Flower Design on facebook

Paul Guard – An amaz­ing wed­ding singer who made our wed­ding break­fast and evening recep­tion both classy yet fun.

Spe­cial­ized cakes – Joe and Janine from spe­cial­ized cakes was rec­om­mended by Flower Design for their inno­v­a­tive cakes. Together with myself, Adam and Jane we all came up with some inter­est­ing ideas which allowed cakes and flow­ers to com­bine to cre­ate amaz­ing (all is not what it seems) table designs.

Eve Broad­hurst is not a pro­fes­sional hair­dresser but through doing some bridal mod­el­ling for Jonny Draper I was lucky enough to have her do my hair both for the mod­el­ling and on my wed­ding day. With Eve’s great sense of style I knew I wanted some­thing more nat­ural than the rigid hair-sprayed designs often pro­vided by ‘pro­fes­sional’ hair­dressers. Eve works at an amaz­ing bridal shop (The White Closet – Dids­bury) and so was on hand after doing my hair to fit me in my dress perfectly.

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