As we continue to fight a major pandemic, it's hard to deny the fact that the world has come to a standstill. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected millions globally with more than 8 lakh casualties. While the infection keeps spreading like a forest fire, recent studies at Yale University have revealed that the number of men affected by Coronavirus is far greater than that of women. Let's discuss the reason behind this situation by analyzing the facts we've collected so far.
Mortality Rate in Men
Before we look into the reason behind high mortality rates in men compared to women, it's vital to understand what category of people are more likely to die from the disease.
Age is one of the crucial factors when it comes to COVID-19 deaths. Stats by the New York City Health reveal that nearly 48.7% of the total deaths in the city occur in the age group 75 and above.
People with comorbidities like kidney failure, heart ailments, and breathing problems have more chances of dying from the virus.
While these factors play a predominant role in the level of severity, the person's gender is another aspect that should be taken into consideration. As mentioned before, male COVID positive patients are more prone to expire than their female counterparts.
Immune Responses in Men & Women
A person's immune system is the one that fights against an acquired disease. The stronger the immune system, the greater is the body's ability to resist the infection. Recent research has found that women possess more immunity by producing T-cells when affected by COVID-19. On the other hand, a man's biological system induces cytokine development as an immune response to the same condition. What's bothering here is the fact that this cytokine rush can lead to fluid buildup in the lungs, ultimately causing breathing difficulty, organ failure, and death.
Precautionary Measures for COVID-19
With trials being conducted around the globe for Corona vaccines, it is important to understand that the final result should benefit everyone irrespective of gender, age, and comorbidities. Only then, we can call it a successful vaccine. Until then, it is essential that we take the required precautions to avoid acquiring the infection in the first place. Masks, gloves, and sanitizers come handy in this crucial situation and make a huge difference in protecting you from the novel Coronavirus. Avoiding crowded places and gatherings is also important for us to contain the spread.