DOCTOR WHO – Come See the Choptors; All the Doctors as Reindeers
Check out these reindeer versions of all the Doctors, from DeviantArt user dekarogue, that he calls the Choptors.
After a little research, I’ve learned that these versions of the Doctors are based off a character named Tony Tony Chopper from the anime and manga series One Piece (Thanks Wikipedia!). While I’m not familiar with the character at all, that doesn’t change or alter my appreciation for these designs, and how the artist managed to capture each Doctor, in reindeer form.
You can check out all 12 Doctors, and the War Doctor, below.
1st Doctor

2nd Doctor

3rd Doctor

4th Doctor

5th Doctor

6th Doctor

7th Doctor

8th Doctor

War Doctor

9th Doctor

10th Doctor

11th Doctor

12th Doctor

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