Destinations Magazine

Do Peruvians Lack Patriotism?

By Naturegirl321 @SharonTEFLTips

Do Peruvians Lack Patriotism?


I've been told that Argentinians, Brazilians, and Chileans are very "nationalisticas" or patriotic. Out of those three most people say that Argentinians are the most patriotic, followed by Chileans, and then Brazilians. While patriotism is usually perceived as a good thing, it can also be bad. People have said that Argentians are vain, proud, and have a huge ego. You might even hear them say that God was Argentianian as was the Virgin Mary.
One tip to remember is that speaking Spanish will help you greatly. You'll be treated differently than if you speak English all the time, it'll help you assimilate, and you'll be able to communicate easier. If you're looking to learn Spanish, the two programmes I recommend are Synergy Spanish and Speak From Day 1.
It's been said that Peruvians worst enemies are themselves. When in Peru, Peruvians will often tell you not to trust Peruvians because they take advantage of people.
There has to be a balance between being too proud and not proud enough. I think that patriotism can be good, as long as it's kept in check. I believe that Peruvians need to be more patriotic. They also need to care more for their country and other people and not just for themselves. Lastly, they need to see the good in other people (and other Peruvians) and not just the bad.

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