Life Coach Magazine

Do Not Fear to Pioneer

By Shawnaschuh

Good Wednesday to you!


Hump day brings us the longest quote on obstacles from Ralph J. Bunche who said,


“You can surmount the obstacles in your path if you are determined, courageous and hard-working.

Never be fainthearted. Be resolute, but never bitter. Bitterness will serve only to warp your personality.

Permit no one to dissuade you from pursuing the goals you set for yourselves.

Do not fear to pioneer, to venture down new paths of endeavor.

Do not fear to pioneer

Demand and make good use of your rights, but never fail to discharge faithfully the obligations and responsibilities of good citizenship.

Be good Americans.”


This seemed terrific in a week of overcoming obstacles because it gives us a clear path:

Be determined, courageous and hard-working.

Be resolute and never bitter

Pursue the goals you’ve set for yourself

Pioneer down new paths of endeavor

Make good use for your rights

Be a good citizen


In these times of American politics what a refreshing reminder that it’s all up to us. Me and you to be the nation one person living well at a time!


You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!

Go make it a Magnificent Day!


Blessings, Shawna


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