But the strip of masking tape on the top read $40 and it's made of solid wood. And it just so happened to be the perfect height for this 5' momma.
Without any hesitation, I paid the lady up front and begged Pete to find a way to fit it in our Honda hatchback. Miraculously, he did.
I love the details in the hardware and woodwork! It has an Asian feel to it and we were tempted to paint it a bright red or yellow. I think it would look great in either one of those colors, but we needed something more neutral for Lucy's room.
Before any project in the Mojeiko household, Pete conducts his usual assessment of the piece. He's not looking to see if the piece is structurally sound or dangerous in any way; he's looking for treasure. Maybe the person before us was strange enough to hide a map or piece of expensive jewelry in the back corner behind a drawer.
Unfortunately the only treasure we found with this piece was the money we saved. There's a similar dresser on Potterybarn's website that costs $1400. So let's just pretend we found $1360. NOW THAT'S A BOOTY!
Treasure hunter
We coated the dresser in primer and then painted it Pale Bloom (Valspar). The hardware was spray-painted a fresh hammered brown, the same color we used on our Chandelier Lamp.We're really happy with how it turned out. The nursery is coming along nicely; we just need some decorations on the walls and a little organization, and it'll be ready for its big reveal!