I have a guest post today by the lovely Zoe who blogs over at www.misszoeblog.blogspot.com
I really enjoyed this great post by Zoe and let me know what you think as well!
I also blog at www.misszoeblog.blogspot.com. Thank You to Hareem for letting me Guest Post, I love her blog!
Lush. Lush. Lush.
Probably the only Shop on the Planet that everyone loves (besides Primark obviously). However there was one product that I was slightly desperate to try, some how I convinced myself that £5 was a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a Lip Scrub that I could make. Now I'm not crafty in the slightest form possible therefore I attempted to keep this basic, espcially as we'll be using food/liquid that almost everyone has around.
You Will Need:
- 4 table-spoons bowl of Sugar.
- 2 tea-spoons of Water.
- 2 tea-spoons of Honey.
- A Bowl.
After you've measured those all out, you should pour the Water in the Bowl. Follwed by the Sugar, mix it together. Then chuck the Honey in (please do not physically chuck because Honey is a pain to clean up), stir until it's all nicely blended & thick, you may find that you require more Sugar if it's too liquid-y, add in small amounts until you think appropiate.Now put The Bowl in the Fridge for an hour, it needs to become more solid. Following the particular amount of time, take it out. You should now have a Lip Scrub ready for use. Put in an empty Lip Balm Tub or Small Plastic Box (mine are from Lakeland) & you can now put it to use. Easy peasy.
I don't recommend licking this off, yes it tastes delicious but not the best for your health.
- The Honey keeps the Sugar & Water together.
- The Water slightly seperates the Sugar Grains for 100x better exfoliation.
- The Sugar is what they use in the actual Lush Lip Scrub, a great natual exfoliater.
I hope you try this & it works for you.
Hope you guys all enjoyed this great post Zoe!
You can check out her blog here.