Fashion Magazine

DIY: Flower Crown

By Emmerey Rose Sarona @EmmereyRose
I've been really eyeing for cute flower crowns since summer but its just now that I pursued in making one of my own. Maybe it's out of my age but I find it really cute and I love making DIYs. Besides, I made this mainly for the debut of my cousin.
DIY: Flower Crown

DIY: Flower Crown

Basically these are all you need. If you want to add something to make the flowers more secure then you can. By the way, you have to use glue gun. We lost ours so I just melted the glue stick in the candlelight. hehehhe, eh wala eh.

DIY: Flower Crown

1. Measure how wide would be the size of the crown's frame. Make sure to adjust it with your head so it would fit perfectly. Cut the wire using the cutting pliers then twirl the ends of the wire in the circle.

DIY: Flower Crown

2. Take the green electrical tape then cover the entire wire with it. Make sure to thicken the part where the ends of the wire are located.

DIY: Flower Crown

3. This is optional actually. You can take out the leaves if you want to like what I did. I only used the flowers with small leafy details on it. The rest of the big leaves, I didn't used any of it.

DIY: Flower Crown

4. Draft your design first before sticking the flowers so you could still plan on how you want the crown to look like. By the way, I didn't cut the stems. If you want, you can only use the flowers and not include the stems. It depends on you.

DIY: Flower Crown

5. Using the thin wire, tie the stems so you could stick it to the frame. Just twirl the end of the stems.

DIY: Flower Crown

6. Use the glue stick to stick the flowers into the base and make the crown fuller and clean. Take the electrical tape again and cover the rest of the wires to hide the stems and then....

DIY: Flower Crown

Tadaaaaa! Final Product! :))

DIY: Flower Crown

DIY: Flower Crown

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