Family Magazine

DIY EASY Window Cornice Out of Old Art Frames

By Selina Hoit
Hey Friends!
Does anyone else have the DIY blogger epidemic where you can no longer throw ANYTHING away just incase there is this AMAZING idea that pops into your head on how to salvage the odd piece of junk you really should have thrown away?  :-)
UGGH, this happens to me all the time.  It's not good for the cleanliness of our garage. 
So, when I had the glass crack on my picture frame and "should have" thrown it away, the idea came to me that I should make it into a window cornice! (How do these strange ideas come to me LOL)
NEW window cornice from OLD useless art frame!
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All I did was throw out the broken glass,
Used the cardboard that it came with and wrapped that in bubble wrap. (It’s just what was handy, as that was the material it had been wrapped up in for the move.)
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Next I took a pillow sham I bought at the thrift store and wrapped that around the bubble wrapped cardboard. I just taped the fabric to stay together. (if the fabric looks familiar, I used the other identical pillow sham to upholster this chair for her desk!)
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I really wanted some depth to the cornice so I went to Home Depot and bought a small board and had them cut it to size. I also bought some D rings/hooks so I could hang it.
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I used wood glue and glued it all together.  (all the pro’s use turtles and knife holders to weigh down their jobs, right?) Smile Then I screwed on the D hooks to hang it.  Once it was all dry, I took some stain and stained the wood posts I bought to make it darker to match the frame. 
DIY EASY Window Cornice Out of Old Art Frames
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Overall this may have taken me 30 min to put together and the total cost was around $5.00.But the part I’m happiest about is turning Lemons (a broken picture) into Lemonade!! (a pretty window cornice)
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And here is the final desk area after I applied some American Clay to the wall.  You can also check out the before and after of the blue chalk paint desk I did. :-)
DIY EASY Window Cornice Out of Old Art Frames
It’s all about keeping those Creative Juices Flowing – huh!! Enjoy your weekend!  We have a FULL one including a yearly piano recital. (I get so nervous for the kiddos!)
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