Lifestyle Magazine

Discovering… Wedding Favours from Fudge Kitchen

By Claire

Sweet wed­ding favours from Fudge Kitchen

Every cou­ple wants their wed­ding day to be that bit dif­fer­ent, that bit more inspired, that bit … let’s face it, bet­ter! And your favours are very lit­er­ally the sum­mary impres­sion that your guests will take away with them.

Trust the UK’s largest and old­est pro­duc­ers of lux­ury, authen­tic fudge to get it right, then. From the creamy, gourmet fudge within, hand­made and hand dec­o­rated in small batches by arti­sans, using only the finest, nat­ural ingre­di­ents; to the infi­nite, gor­geous pack­ag­ing options avail­able to per­fectly com­pli­ment your wed­ding colours or theme. Fudge Kitchen will add a truly per­sonal, unique detail to your Big Day.

Oh, and if you’ve been to a Hotel Choco­lat store and love their pre­sen­ta­tion… you’ll love how Fudge Kitchen do it. Go on, have a peek! And tell me which flavor you’d like to try — Vin­tage Vanilla maybe? Or maybe Lemon Meringue? What about Drink­ing Fudge? Mmmm.… *blog post trails off as blog­ger has fudge dreams*

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