Destinations Magazine

Discoveries at Dulles: Shuttle-flights and Wine-flights.

By Johntalbott


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I had a couple'a hours to kill at Dulles and have been seeing signs for the Art & Space Museum for months/years and my ex-boss told me that his (grown) son said it was terrific so I went.  As I tried to park (entrance is free, parking is $15 until 4 PM) hundreds of folks bypassed the lines and I had a sinking feeling - I'll bet there's something for Discovery today.

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So I entered the main hanger and was overwhelmed; everything from WWII Japanese planes shot from submarines to an Air France Concorde.  I'm a cynic about almost everything but this was astonishing; beautiful, colorful and exhausting.  As I was wandering bedazed about I saw a huge crowd facing another hanger and was told that they're hooking up Discovery "soon."  But another terrific guard said, if you really want to see it, go outside - there.

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And indeed, "there" it was, all burned up and worn, first stationery, then towed slowly by the Rover towards the hanger, past Endeavor, which now goes to New York.  It was incredible to see thousands of adults and kids awestruck by this event, essentially the end of the Space Era as we enter the Planetary one.  Like a funeral, it was sad, respectful but terribly moving.  The end of an era!  How often will we witness one of those?

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Then off to Dulles and Vino Volo where I had their cheapo house wine ($15 but with a $12 corkage fee - whoa!)

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For fine dining with my wine I had a decent platter of artisinal charcuterie and an absolutely miserable soggy "taco" with an absolutely unspicy bunch of shredded pork and coleslaw and absolutely tasteless sauce.

My bill was $42 before tip.

Go again?  Un unh.  Next time it's fine diing in Tyson's Corner.


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