Gaming Magazine

Discover A Bee's Life

Posted on the 30 May 2022 by Hiddenobjectgames2011 @NenaLuckypet
A huge number of researchers have always been intrigued by one of the most mysterious species on earth – the Insects. They are fascinating and unique in every aspect, as how they look like, what they eat, where they live, how they reproduce, and so on. For me, their appearance is still the most interesting for researchers because they can exist in all possible conditions and can been seen in all possible colors, shapes and size from biggest to smallest, some have wings, some live under the earth and some above it. So, this means that there are too many things for exploring. But, for me, the bees attract my greatest attention. Yes, you must have heard the saying "smart as a bee". I believe that bees are very smart, but with my modest knowledge of bees, this saying is equal to "hardworker as a bee". They are famous for their hard work and we all know that bees are the greatest hard workers in the nature. Their communities are perfectly organized, everyone has their own work's share and they work all day long. It is the only insect that makes food which is eaten by humans. Honey is the most precious product of the bees and one of the safest foods on Earth also because of the fact that dangerous bacteria cannot live in honey. That is why the honey is also used as a preservative. Therefore, my modest knowledge of bees letting me to be fascinated by them so, I decided to write a text about bees. They deserve to be mentioned every step of the way and I hope that with my post I will try to make people change their attitude towards them, so that people will learn how to behave properly and less destructive to bees. But, the most relevant fact is that the bees participate in one of the most important life cycle, in pollination of flowers, from which should bear fruit. So, without bees the life of the plant stops and with it, everything else. Did you know that? Discover A Bee's Life Another great thruth is that the nature creates miracles and that will be confirmed by participation of mathematics in everyday's life of the bees. It may sound strange to you but, bees depend a lot on geometric shapes. Do you know which shape is that? Discover A Bee's Life That is the famous hexagon. First, their natural beehives, those made by themselves and not by man, look like a hexagon. They live in hexagonal sell which is called honeycombs. Here, in every sell, bees storing the honey during flowering season. At the end man collects honey by squeezing the honeycombs. The honey is distributing in glass jar to the costumers. Discover A Bee's Life Because of all this, bees are very interesting in the nature and as well as inspiration for various ivents like masquerades, school performances and the inevitable birthday parties. According to this I'm so happy to mention that my special interest is focused on the birthday parties with bees theme. Then I have decided my son for his first birthday to be a bee. Everyone enjoyed it because there were so many opportunities to show your creativity. Bees were everywhere around us. See for yourself. Discover A Bee's Life An extraordinary opportunity can always be created, so it is time to wear a bee costume. Discover A Bee's Life It is the same case with birthday decorations, so you will have an unforgettable birthday party on the theme of bees. Discover A Bee's Life Look at this beautiful delicious cake and for the party time is responsible hand made pinata. Discover A Bee's Life I have some more interesting items in order to tickle your imagination. I hope you enjoyed the post. Leave a comment anyway!

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