I sit, mouth agape, again, shaking my head as I read the endless slew of comments coming from my own community judging another mother, because the way she lives is "weird." What's worse is that I've seen it happen over and over again. It's hypocritical and more than a little disappointing.
Do we not often complain (rightfully so) of those in the mainstream community scoffing at us because of our "weird" practices and lifestyle choices? How many of us have been the subject of comments calling us crazy or picking on the little things about us that bother them, simply because they cannot pick at what we're doing, but know they don't like it, so they attack what they can, like our appearance or some silly little misspelling or grammar error? Yet, here I sit reading comments on a thread about a woman who chooses to live in a furniture-less home that say things like, "clean your house!" and "ew, that's so weird."
This happens on every "different" idea I post on the FB page. As soon as it's an idea that is new or uncomfortable to those who say they're living on the fringes of society and are, in fact, comfortable with that, out come the "this is stupid, this is nuts, this is just odd" comments. Why? Because it's a change? It's not the same as what you're used to? Guess what - that's why so many others make those comments to us. And we don't like them. And we expect them to open up their brains and hearts and expand their horizons a bit. We get frustrated that they don't or can't. And here we are doing the same.
Take a good look in the mirror, folks. And take a good look within. I expect better from people who know exactly what it's like to have such comments lodged at them.