Dylan & Tommy ©
I became a stay at home mum thanks to morning sickness, it was impossible to work as I couldn’t keep anything down. While many think stay at home mums have an easy life there are plenty of disadvantages of being a stay at home mum – says Katy.
I live with my two sons and their daddy; I have a 19 month old little boy Dylan-Wayne and a 13 week old little boy Tommy-Reg. I’m 20 and I became a stay at home mum in 2011.
At my 12 week dating scan I found out I was 13+6 weeks pregnant which was a shock as thought I was around 10 weeks. I also found out I had a cyst on my right ovary. I became paranoid that the cyst would pop and all the toxic would kill my unborn baby.
The pregnancy went fine apart from the morning sickness; the birth was horrid, 19 and a half hour in length. I stopped contracting at 8cm, everything just stopped with Dylan’s heart rate dipping every second.
I was forced into an emergency C-section. I cried because I thought I failed at being a mom already as I couldn’t even give birth on my own, I was only 18 when Dylan was born.
When Dylan was 3 weeks old I was rushed into hospital with suspected gall stones, it turned out to be pancreatitis.
I found out I was pregnant with Tommy when Dylan was only 6months old. Everything went fine from start-finish apart from bad morning sickness again, I was in slow labour with Tommy for 8 days and he was born 2 days before his due date.
I enjoy being a stay at home mom and watching both my boys grow up and learn new things every day.
I know they are 100% safe because they are with me and I am not constantly worrying about them. It also saves us a lot of money than putting them into nursery or paying for someone to watch them.
The disadvantages of being a stay at home mum are plenty. I get bored of looking at the same 4 walls day in day out. I can’t stay out for too long as it gets cold and that’s not good for the boys and I can’t go anywhere without bottles or their changes bags.
It’s a horrid feeling when everyone stares at me for pushing a double pram, the most thing I find rewarding of being a stay at home mom is when both my boys smile at me, it melts my heart, especially when Dylan just runs up to me hugs and kisses me for no reason at all
The hardest thing about being a stay at home mom is when they are both ill and just want mummy cuddles and I can’t stand to see them cry or upset.
My boyfriend thinks being a stay at home mom is easier than working full time, but he works 8-6 and gets Sundays off. Stay at home mums work 24/7 with no holidays or bank holidays off, we can’t phone in sick either.
If other mums are thinking about becoming a stay at home mum I’d say go for it, it’s the best thing I ever did.
Just remember when your calm and relaxed so is you baby, there’s some support out there for stay at home moms, there are children’s centres and we have a young support worker here for if you have a problem at home, for example house problems, they will help you and theirs loads of mother and toddler groups so we are not stuck in the house all the time.
I don’t make time for my friends as I’ve lost contact with them since having Dylan as they just want to go out partying, whereas I just want to be at home with my babies.
Can you think of any other disadvantages of being a stay at home?