Life Coach Magazine

Dikes of Courage

By Shawnaschuh
Martin Luther King, 1964

Martin Luther King, 1964 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This week’s theme is fear – it’s a good topic and one each of us dances with – some of us more than others and sometimes more often that other times – fear – can help us – to run from harm – or hurt us – run from opportunity – so this week we will hear what others have to say about fear and see if it helps us live an even more magnificent life.


First up is Martin Luther King, Jr. – imagine living in that time of history with so much hate and prejudge and standing up for your beliefs – he once said,


“We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.”


Love this quote – and now my call to us is – what dikes of courage are we building?


Is it habits that support you? A morning accountability call for instance? Is it stronger faith through reading and study?


This week – as we explore fear and what wise people have shared about it – think about the dikes of courage you are building and how you can strengthen them for any floods or even high water heading your way.


You create your day by the way you think. Think courage.


Blessings, Shawna

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