Health Magazine

Diabetes Causes Stroke in Women but Not Men

Posted on the 18 March 2014 by Health_news

Diabetes causes stroke in women and not men

Diabetes is the most common disease in the world today. Most people get diagnosed with his condition by the time they reach their middle age. Diabetes is a lifelong condition and there is no cure for it. The only way to manage this condition is by staying healthy and eating a proper diet. Diabetes causes several other problems in the body like kidney failure, heart attack and stroke.

A stroke is much different from a heart attack. It affects the brain and also leads to other conditions like paralysis. It makes the heart weaker and the recovery period for a stroke is much more than a heart attack.  A recent study revealed shocking results in women who died of a stroke. The study indicated that nearly 70% of the women who had a stroke also suffered from diabetes.A recent study indicates that diabetes increases the risk of stroke in women more than men.

Some of the common reasons why diabetes causes stroke in women are here.

  • Menopause-Women who are going through menopause lose the ability to produce estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone that is required to regulate the functions of the heart and brain. Lack of estrogen wrecks the arteries that take blood to the heart and the brain. A stroke occurs when the brain lacks blood and oxygen supply.
  • Why are men not at risk?-Men do not go through menopause nor are their bodies dependent on estrogen. Diabetes has no role to play in their cardiovascular system or nervous system in such a cause. However there are other symptoms and conditions in men that can increase the risk of stroke.
  • Women with heart risks-Women who already have a heart condition along with diabetes are at an increased risk for stroke. Diabetes over a period of time leads to heart diseases in women.  It is considered to be a degenerative disease in the medical field. Women with both these conditions are highly susceptible to experience a stroke.
  • Genetic make-Women experience a poor genetic make compared to men. Also women who have a family history of diabetes are more likely to end up with the disease compared to men.  Excessive stress and auto immune disorders in women trigger the condition for most of them. The study about women and increased risk of stroke shows that women with diabetes have 50% higher chances of experiencing a stroke.
  • Cancer-Certain cancers in women also cause diabetes. In such women the chances of stroke is very high. Cancer and diabetes are both degenerative disorders that weaken the constitution of the body. Even though such women may not have a heart condition it can still affect their nervous system.

Women who have diabetes should be very cautious about their health. They should eat planned diets and avoid smoking and alcoholism completely. Diabetes can become unmanageable if they do not follow a healthy lifestyle. It will also easily lead to obesity in such women. Conditions like obesity, Alcoholism, smoking and diabetes put together can increase the risk of stroke to a high percentage.

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