Lifestyle Magazine

Designer Winter Wedding Accessories

By Claire

Queens & Bowl have a stun­ning range of designer win­ter wed­ding acces­sories inspired by vin­tage glam­our. For brides look­ing to acces­sorise a designer wed­ding dress, a glam­orous vintage-inspired cape, stole, jacket or shrug is perfect.

Keep warm with designer win­ter wed­ding acces­sories from Queens & Bowl

Every bride deserves beau­ti­ful win­ter wed­ding acces­sories. Many of you will be dream­ing of a white wed­ding with snow, crys­tal clear skies and bright sun­shine, though the hope will be that it’s just not rain­ing! It’s around this time of year that brides who have planned a win­ter wed­ding will begin look­ing for the per­fect designer accessories.

Whether we like it or not, we have to be mind­ful of the weather when plan­ning a win­ter wed­ding. Come rain or shine it’s going to be cold and while there can be no com­pro­mise on the dress that doesn’t mean a bride has to be bun­dled up in a big heavy coat and scarf.

There are options avail­able to stay warm and still look as beau­ti­ful as can be. Care­fully cho­sen capes, stoles, jack­ets or shrugs can be worn with a designer wed­ding dress to ward off the cold while retain­ing your look of time­less beauty and glam­our.

Designer Wed­ding Stoles & Capes

Wed­ding stoles are worn around the shoul­ders and brought to the front where they can often be tied. These win­ter wed­ding acces­sories have reli­gious ori­gins so are per­fect for a bride hav­ing a big church wed­ding. Wed­ding capes are sim­i­lar in style and design but tend to be larger, offer­ing more cov­er­age for colder climes.

They can be made from either faux fur or feath­ers and are typ­i­cally white, pro­vid­ing the per­fect acces­sory for the tra­di­tional bride. They are also ideal for a vin­tage wed­ding theme, espe­cially for that 1950s movie star look, as you can see from the two exam­ples below.

Prague Feather Wedding Cape by Sasso

Prague Feather Wed­ding Cape by Sasso

Streisand Feather Stole by Sasso

Streisand Feather Stole by Sasso

Glam­orous Wed­ding Shrugs & Jackets

A wed­ding shrug offers less cov­er­age than a stole, cape or jacket so is prob­a­bly bet­ter cho­sen for a late autumn or early spring wed­ding, not the dead of win­ter! How­ever, they are a super classy thing to team with your per­fect wed­ding dress. Again, the options can be faux fur or feath­ers and again the look is one of extreme glam­our, sure to make any bride feel very spe­cial on the big day.

This Marabou shrug in cham­pagne by Sasso off­sets a white gown very well and as you can see, it looks fantastic.

Minnelli Marabou Feather Wedding Shrug by Sasso

Min­nelli Marabou Feather Wed­ding Shrug by Sasso

For colder weather an ostrich feather wed­ding jacket is a great option. Take a look at this exquis­ite piece from top designer Sasso.

Alaska Ostrich Feather Wedding Jacket by Sasso

Alaska Ostrich Feather Wed­ding Jacket by Sasso

Ideal for a 1920s inspired wed­ding, it looks great with a slinky wed­ding gown and can be fas­tened at the front as required.

So remem­ber, ladies, if you choose your win­ter wed­ding acces­sories wisely it might still be cold on your big day, but it doesn’t mean YOU have to be!

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