Self Expression Magazine

Dependent on the Internet

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
A few days ago twitter exploded with tweets about tumblr being down and it was clear to see that many people on the Internet can not cope if they do not  have access to certain social media sites.
It was sad to see that people were actually lost without their tumblr pages... many comments followed the same line of thought and you could genuinely see that people were stressing out over a small problem.
The more people use websites and feel that they need to use these sites shows that social media is an addiction and it is unhealthy to a very alarming point.
The moment someone does not know what to do with themselves if a website is down is shocking, I have seen this also with game servers and forums were they go down for maintenance  and people are at a loss and lose all function of themselves.
We are all wired in to the Internet 24/7 it is scary to think that with out it that some members of society can't function without their daily fix...
People need to realize that the Internet is not full proof and all online services are all ways going to have down time... People also need to not get so attached to their social media as it could be seen as an addiction.
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