Current Magazine

Denny’s Confuses Itself With Las Vegas Nightclub

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNBC reports that a Denny’s in New York is serving a $300 breakfast meal for two that includes a bottle of champagne.

3 More Items We’d Like To See At Denny’s (Based On Real Denny’s Menu Items)

1.  Philly Cheesesteak Omelette – served with airline ticket to Philadelphia where you can sit next to the Denny’s executive who thought this was a good idea.  Cost $450. Vomit bag not included although perhaps necessary if you look at this item on Denny’s web site.

2. Vegetable Beef Soup – again, this real menu item is perfect for vegetarians, if you like teasing vegetarians, that is. Served with a rented vegetarian who will sigh. Cost – one salad and Urban Outfitters gift card for the vegetarian.

3. $4.44 All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes. Because the real menu item aka $4 all-you-can-eat pancakes sounds nutritionally sketchy to us, so we’d like to pay an additional $0.44 to add some fruit and a vitamin D tablet.

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