Community Magazine

Dear JCP, We Love You Too

By Momishblog @momishblog

Like all families in the world, we're trying to figure out how to make it all work.  Financially, spiritually, personally, and professionally it's work every day.  In the words of Ben Affleck, "Its good, its work, but its the best kind of work and there's no one I'd rather work with."  Since we're a family that believes in voting with our dollars (aka spending money with companies we believe share our values), we are always looking for companies that support what we believe match our values.  For us, the new JCP fits the bill.  Here are a few of the reasons why.
1.  They're providing value.
I recently described them as "what Macy's used to be combined with what you love about Target"  They offer a variety of sizes, styles, and products that meet our needs as a family and they're affordable.  Sure, I'd love to buy couture everything but even if money were no object (and it's always an object) I'd still be too frugal to do that.
2. They're not afraid to represent a variety of people.
If you've not picked up a recent catalog (its more like an oversized flyer but you get the point) you're missing all that they're doing. You'll see big people, small people, brown people, white people, same sex families, and much more.  Yes, they represent our modern world today and one that we're quite happy to be a part of.
3. Their partnership with Ellen is exactly the kind of thing we're looking for in a company.
[Note: if you're part of the Million Moms nonsense that is bullying JCP for partnering with this role model, stop reading now and please do not click on this blog again] Partnering with Ellen is brilliant marketing and allows us to support not only their company for their bravery in this campaign but also a woman who is a role model to millions.
4.  We love a good comeback story.
We were occasional JC Penny shoppers before.  If we need pillows or towels we went there.  Now we go there for so much more.  They're rebuilding their brand and it's evident when you go there.  This is much in part because of the branding brilliance of Ron Johnson, JCP CEO as of November 2011.  His prior experience at Apple is undoubtedly making an impact. The recent ad is certainly showcasing his influence.
5.  Their employees are much happier.
Whenever we go there's always someone looking to help us and they're happy about it!  They're team is friendly and based on conversations we've had with them they are enjoying the new feel of things.  Kudos to a company that makes changes that embrace the employees as well as the customers!

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