Lifestyle Magazine

Days to Go: 82

By Claire

Days to Go: 82

I’ve also bought a ring box for us to keep our wed­ding rings in. I use the box my engage­ment ring was in to keep it nice so I thought we could keep our wed­ding rings in a box.

Days to Go: 82

I’ve also bought some lit­tle books for the chil­dren to do so they don’t get bored at the wed­ding break­fast, and some cheap pen­cil crayons to go with them. They haven’t been deliv­ered yet, but I can post up some pics when they arrive!

We have our first mar­riage prepa­ra­tion classes at the church tomor­row, I’m sort­ing out my pass­port in  my mar­ried name and our dance lessons are going well. We will be glid­ing around the dance floor on our wed­ding night!

I’ve looked at the ques­tion­naire the cake top­per lady sent me, so that our cake top­per will look just like us. I can’t wait to see what that will look like! I’m send­ing off some pho­tos because she makes the cake top­per look exactly like the the bride and groom. I would def­i­nitely rec­om­mend a look!

Things are start­ing to fall into place! I am won­der­ing when I need to be mea­sured for my wed­ding dress. I’ve arranged for my brides­maids to be mea­sured, and the grooms­men will need to be mea­sured 4 weeks before the wed­ding, but I’m not sure about when I need to go. My dress will need to be altered.

Still to do:

  • Sort out the infor­ma­tion for the orders of service
  • Go to five wed­ding prepa­ra­tion classes
  • Con­tinue dance classes
  • Con­firm menu choices for the wed­ding breakfast
  • Dis­cuss the evening buf­fet and canapés, wel­come drinks and drinks for the wed­ding breakfast
  • Con­firm details with the florist, bus, clas­sic cars
  • Con­firms times
  • Engage­ment shoot with our pho­tog­ra­pher and con­firm­ing what pho­tos we really want
  • Arrange for the gents to be mea­sured for their suits
  • Sort all the table dec­o­ra­tions, place names and favours into tables and put in boxes ready
  • Make the photo booth
There is prob­a­bly more but I think that’s enough to worry about now! I read some­where that there are almost 5,000 indi­vid­ual deci­sions involved with your aver­age wed­ding. With 3 months to go, I think we’re get­ting close to that many! 

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