Lifestyle Magazine

Days to Go: 75

By Claire

We’ve finally got to grips with it though, and I think our seat­ing plan is done.

Days to Go: 75

I’ve detailed how I made the seat­ing plan but it’s already been changed! We’ve swapped one table around already and we’re check­ing every­one fits where they’re sup­posed to.

The kid­dies books I told you about in my last post have arrived as well! I think they’re

Days to Go: 75

absolutely fab and I’m even think­ing I could use them at work when we do ‘wed­ding week’. A lot of the activ­i­ties in the book are for slightly older chil­dren who can read, but there are a lot of activ­i­ties acces­si­ble to younger chil­dren, such as colour­ing in the wed­ding gift pic­ture, dec­o­rat­ing the wed­ding cake and design­ing out­fits for the bride and groom.

There’s even some coop­er­a­tive games for chil­dren to play with each other or with an adult.

Things are falling into place, we’re even start­ing to order the usher’s gifts, but I still don’t know if I need to be mea­sured for my dress yet!

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