Lifestyle Magazine

Days to Go: 139

By Claire

Days to Go: 139My friend had one of these photo booths at her wed­ding and it was so much fun! It’s basi­cally an MDF wall with holes cut out for silly pho­tos. Our pho­tog­ra­pher is help­ing us out with a tri­pod, cam­era and a flash so that one of our friends can stand and take pho­tos for us.

We have been col­lect­ing photo frames to appear on the wall.

Days to Go: 139
We have some large sil­ver frames for guests to look through and we’re col­lect­ing lit­tle black frames to hold real photographs.

Days to Go: 139
This is one of my favorite frames that we’ve found. It’s only plas­tic and it was very cheap but I think it looks dec­o­ra­tive and pretty. I found another one but it was bro­ken when it was deliv­ered. The com­pany are send­ing out another so I can snap a pic of it to show you later.

H2b chose some really lovely wall paper for the wall, and he’s intend­ing on using a dado rail and a skirt­ing board to make the wall look even more real.

I’ve been put in charge of sourc­ing props for the booth! When I googled wed­ding pho­tos booths I got a really good idea of how other brides and grooms sort out props their booths. My friends booth had dress­ing up and pup­pets and all sorts.

I decided to use Etsy for our props. I thought they were lovely, although they haven’t arrived yet.

Days to Go: 139

Photo from the Etsy website

And I bought some Mr & Mrs and Thank you signs so that we could use them for our thank you cards. When they arrive I can give you a bet­ter idea of what it all looks like.

I think if I’m not on the dance floor, I will prob­a­bly spend all my time in the photo booth. It was such fun at my friend’s wed­ding, at our own wed­ding I won’t be as shy and will hope­fully be a bit more drunk!

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By Anke
posted on 30 April at 16:44
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I would just like to find out where can I buy some of those black photo frames?

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks

Kind Regards Anke