Diaries Magazine

Day Two

By Dmroughton
Ok, first thing, remember - no cheating by peeking at the scales. Off limits for a few days. Also, no exercise yet.
Next, you will want to fry up a whole package of bacon (turkey bacon preferably, but regular will be ok) and keep it in the fridge. We are going to get bored of just eggs for breakfast, so the bacon will add some variety on Day 3 and here and there after that.
Tomorrow's diet plan:
Breakfast (even if you are not a breakast person, do not skip!)
  • two boiled eggs
  • coffee (Optional but only use artificial sweetener if you drink it. A zero carb/calorie soda is also ok.)
  • multi-vitamin (Sorry, I forgot this yesterday.)
  • one bottle of water (You can use a zero carb drink mix like Crystal Light for flavor if you want. Don't sip it. Drink it fairly rapidly, so you fill full for a while.)
  • string cheese (optional)
  • steamed broccoli (As much as you want. Also, you may season with either vinegar, a small amount of butter, or cheese. If you use Cheez Wiz, go light. It has more carbs than regular cheese.)
  • can of tuna (Prepared salad style if you want, but go light on any mayo. Mustard is a good, carb free sub)
  • water or diet soda or artificially sweetened tea
  • String cheese or a handful of turkey pepperoni slices
  • Bottled water or diet soda
Dinner (or supper if you are from Tyrrell County)
  • a large (as much as it takes to fill you up) garden salad with baked or pan grilled chicken (cut up) tossed in for protein (Same criteria as yesterday.)
  • dill pickle spear (optional)
  • water or diet soda or artificially sweetened tea
Remember, you can have as much water, flavored and carb free, as you want throughout the day. It's actually a good idea because we will be losing a good bit of water weight the first few days, and we need water in our body to help keep our sytems flushed out as we the diet begins to alter our body chemistries.
Go online and find two Atkins friendly meals that you want to have. Email them to me at dean_roughton@hotmail.com and I will try to work them in our meal plans sometime in the next few days. This will give you more control of your own weight loss and add some variety to our eats.
Happy losing!

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