Books Magazine

Daphne and the Mysterious Girls Secret Bathroom Society by Robert Shields Review

By Christiesbookreviews @christiewriting

Daphne and the Mysterious Girls Secret Bathroom Society by Robert Shields ReviewDaphne and the Mysterious GirlsSecret Bathroom Society byRobert Shields★★★★☆
Daphne and Vivica (Vi)were always enemies. Vi was always cruel to Daphne, and one day she slipped upand used witchcraft on her. Daphne was shocked, and decided if someone as awfulas Vi could do witchcraft, then she should be able to do it also. This is whenshe discovers her best friend is also a witch, and that witchcraft is not whatshe expected. It is all based off of physics, and every woman has the potentialto become a witch, some just never discover it. Daphne’s life changesdrastically as she learns to be a witch and even sees Vi in a new light.
At first I couldn't seemto get into this book. Once I got around 50 (nook) pages in, I began to getinto the story and ended up liking it a lot. It was a very interesting take onwitchcraft. I have not heard anything like it, which made it a very originalidea. I applaud the author for coming up with something different from thenormal perception.
Once the story picked up momentum,it was very fast-paced and interesting. I ended up finishing the remainder inone sitting because I was curious how everything would play out and if my ownassumptions would be correct. I even ended up wanting more of the story once Ihad finished. The author ended the story well and I felt that there waspotential to be more. I’m unsure if the author plans to write another book, butI feel like it could be a strong possibility. If the author continues thisstory, I will happily continue the adventure.
The author sent me an e-book copy ofthis book to read and review.

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