YAY for GIF's. Sorry I'm not sorry. I love them!
I have problems with redness and swelling around my nose, often becoming really sore and the skin breaking which means the skin bleeds from time to time. I would say it's been like this for around a year now and no matter how much moisturizer I put on in morning and night it still is as dry as anything. I've tried both Avène Redness-Relief Moisturising Protecting Cream and Avène Rich Skin Recovery Cream and they have worked but only temporarily and they never really got rid of it. Then a few months ago my skin came out in a terrible rash all over my face, I went to see a doctor and after a few blood tests they said that this problem with my nose could be Rosacea. The rash went away pretty much the day after I went to the doctors but they gave me a solution to put on my nose and again it didn't really do much. Last week I had this rash come across my face again and personally I think it comes out when I'm stressed. This problem with my nose is still an ongoing thing but it's a lot better than what it has been in past, so it's getting better I guess. Okay now I'm rambling a little...
In order of use:
1. Clinique Take the day off cleansing balm
2. Botanics All Bright Gentle Cleansing Cream & Cleansing Toner
3. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair
4. A sample of Clinique Redness Solutions Daily Relief Cream
5. Botanics Ultra Calm Skin Calming Night Cream.
The first thing I use is my Clinique cleansing balm, I love this stuff! I brought it when there was a discount day at work and I think I paid just over a tenner for it - BARGAIN!! With a full face of make up I just rub a small amount of this over my face and then rinse it off with a muslin cloth and water. It's a really weird balm I've never used anything like it before, it looks like a wax and when you first 'scoop' some out it is very much like a waxy consistency but then when you work it into the skin it turns into a oil. It feels very greasy on the skin but when you take it off it doesn't leave your skin feeling oily or like there's any residue left over. It leaves your skin feeling VERY clean and refreshed, slightly tight though I will say which I know some people like.
I then use my Botanics cleanser and toner just to make sure I definitely have all traces of make up removed. I've only recently started using the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum, I was watching some skincare videos on youtube and noticed a lot of people recommended using it. I don't have that sort of money just chilling in my bank account to spend on a skincare item [you'll soon learn I live life on a massive budget] So I went into House of Fraser and asked for a sample bottle and then when I got home my Mom said she has some that she rarely uses. So we've been using her bottle together in the hope of better skin. I must say I haven't noticed a significant difference yet but my skin is getting better so maybe it's because of this?
To finish off I'm also trying out the Clinque redness solutions daily relief cream. I use this once in the morning and once at night before popping on my moisturizer, which is the Botanics Calming night cream. I don't think I would be repurchasing the Botanics moisturizers I haven't noticed much of a difference since using them and they don't feel like they really sink into the skin, especially this one. It's rather thick in consistency and feels like it sits on top of the skin which is something I don't particularly like. I want something I feel works really well and I just don't think this does to be honest.
For the moment, this routine will do. It's definitely the best one I've had so far but I'll be switching it around when I come across new products that my skin doesn't react badly to.
What are your favorite skin care products and do you have any recommendations?
With Love,
Sian x