THE ANSWER TO FRIDAY'S TRIVIA QUESTION: Dax Shepherd plays Crosby Braverman on Parenthood FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, John Romeo, Karen Feldman, Monica Caraffa & Jim Carter HONORABLE MENTION: James Gabriele Bonus Trivia Question #1: Papa Was a Rolling Stone was the song from Scandal
Bonus Trivia Question #2: Royal was the song from Reign THE NUMBERS
Thursday's Broadcast Top 5
Scandal Season Finale-ABC 3.4/10.4
The Big Bang Theory-CBS 2.6/10.8
Grey's Anatomy-ABC 2.5/8.1
The Big Bang Theory-CBS 2.2/9.6
American Idol-FOX 1.9/7.8
Thursday's Cable Top 5
Big Bang Theory- TBS .9/2.2
Vikings-History .9/2.9
30 For 30-ESPN .8/.18
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/2.1
Pawn Stars-History .8/3.5
Thursday's Top 5 Primetime Twitter Ratings
Scandal Finale-ABC 697,000 Tweets
30 for 30-ESPN 126,000 Tweets
Grey's Anatomy-ABC 70,000 Tweets
The Vampire Diaries-CW 68,000 Tweets
American Idol-FOX 42,000 Tweets
Friday's Broadcast Top 5
20/20-ABC 1.8/8.2
Shark Tank-ABC 1.6/6.4
Dateline-NBC 1.2/6.4
Last Man Standing-ABC 1.1/5.2
Dateline-NBC 1.0/5.4
Friday's Cable Top 5
Friday's Top 5 Primetime Twitter Ratings
Hannibal-NBC 44,000 Tweets
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 33,000 Tweets
Shark Tank-ABC 8,000 Tweets
Bellator MMA Live-Spike 6,000 Tweets
Anderson Cooper 360-1,000 Tweets
-The Mad Men season 7 premiere was up 74% with three days of time shifting included against the A18-49 demo.
Silicon Valley
Why did I commit to this one again? I gotta go back and read last weeks post. I was really bored watching this show and made a decision to bag it. Deleted the season pass. Sorry...Sunday's are too competitive and quick, hard decisions need to be made. I'm done.
The Good Wife
Okay, so do you know who who Gabe Lewis is? You probably do and don't realize it. He was Zach on The Office, and he was one of the NSA guys on The Good Wife for the past few eps AND he is on Silicon Valley right now. I guess he got a new agent or something. He's everywhere. Anyway, he did what he needed to do on The Good Wife last night, he got Alicia out of her funk and into kicking ass mode. YEAH! I love the ass-kicking Alicia. She got the NSA off her back (and off her phones and computers-through the help of Peter, but so what?) and she got Finn taken care of AND set the tone with the DA's office. Not sure how I feel about Michael J. Fox's partnership with Lockhart Gardner. Can mergers happen THAT fast? I mean really? What about that he took over Will's office? Was that really necessary? Diane and Kalinda better figure something out fast because I don't like what I'm seeing at all.
Game of Thrones
Sooooo…it was Lord Baylish that poisoned King Joffrey? I think so right? Do you think that he's Sancere's father? We know he loved her Mom, but I don't think they were ever together. Why would Baylish do so much to save Sancere's life? Did I forget that Cersai had another kid? I think I did. Now he's the King. He seems like he could be much better than his brother doesn't he? Let's face it, anyone would be better than Joffrey. Okay, so how F'ed up was it that Jamie raped his sister right next to his dead son? Crazy right? The Sam stuff was boring, the Wilding's are insane, the Hound is a snot rocket blowing thief, and yet I like him, and Prince Oberon's now Tywin's ally. The episode was plodding along and then…KHALEESI!!! Daenerys is just the best. She showed up in Moreen or whatever that place was called and was challenged to a duel with a single horsemen. Liam from Nashville volunteered to kick his ass and pee for his Queen. It totally reminded me of that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy just shot the guy with the knives. Hilarious.
Orphan Black
Thank you BBC America. I appreciate the Saturday night premiere of Orphan Black. My husband and I went out to dinner with friends, but I was able to watch the show Sunday morning which was awesome. Of course, I didn't watch the commercials, but lets put that to the side for a minute. Not sure how many of you took my advice and got up to speed on Orphan Black It's hard to talk about it without giving away the key plot point. I'm begging you all to binge Season 1 so we can talk Season 2 freely. What I can say is that Tatiana Maslany who plays the lead is just mesmerizing. She has really done something amazing here. I just wish I could tell you what it is but that totally gives the entire show away. I'm not sure how long this show can go on, and I'm hoping that the writers/producers don't let it got so long that it jumps the shark, but I'm along for the ride for now.
Joan Knows Best
Also on Saturday night, and also watched on Sunday morning…Joan & Melissa. I'm a tiny bit suspect these days of this show. It's sort of feeling very contrived or scripted or something. I can't put my finger on it. This week Joan was selling her place in Connecticut and couldn't sleep so she asked Melissa for a sleeping pill. Then weird things started happening. Boxes of Joan's jewelry arrived from QVC, Carmen Electra showed up out of the blue for a styling consult, Joan Skyped Brett, the evil make-up artist, and Tony received Joan's Queen Victoria chair. I've heard that Ambian can have this effect but it all just seemed weird, plus why wouldn't the cameras not have caught that? Also weird, Cooper's Lacrosse coach wasn't playing him because Melissa wouldn't hire his wife who supposedly lied on her resume. WTF? That was weird too. I love Joan and Melissa but things just seem far fetched.
-Face Off has been renewed for a 7th season on Syfy.
-Pretty sure I mentioned that my sister and I have always been obsessed with Mt. Everest. I'm also pretty sure that I mentioned that I was totally psyched for the Everest Jump in May. Not sure if you've heard about the crazy avalanche that occurred up there on Friday. 13 sherpas lost their lives and now Discovery has cancelled the jump. I do think it's the right thing to do, but I was really looking forward to it.
-It's not really official yet, so not sure if I should or shouldn't report it, but supposedly, Gwen Stefani will take over Christina Aguilera's spinning chair on The Voice. I actually think she'll be REALLY good! Plus her outfits shouldn't disappoint at all.
Monday's Trivia Question: Borrowing from Hollywood Game Night this week and playing TV MashUp...Here's the Example...Archie Bunker and Alex P. Keaton...All in the Family Ties...get it??? Here's today's : Sonny Crockett and Lieutenant Horatio Crane
WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com kristy@watchingwaytoomuch.com