Cute, Furry, Tiny BABY ANIMALS!
If you hate baby animals and goats, you should skip this post. You all should know my best friend Ellen at this point. She's my go to girl. If we weren't totally in love with our husbands, we'd definitely marry each other. I didn't ask Ellen about this, I just assume she's cool with it. You know what they say though, don't assume you'll make an ass out of u and me. (Get it, we are pictured with an ass's ass here)Saturday Jared and I drove 2 hours to where my best friend lives now, Logan. Logan is a pretty small college town and this was my first time up there. We decided to go up because it was BABY ANIMAL DAYS! How can you say no to that? Obviously, I couldn't and Jared, well, he was just being a supportive husband. He knew that I was struggling and needed to see my best friend, so away we drove.
Before we arrived in Logan it started to rain pretty hard. I didn't have a coat, just sweater and I was wearing flip flops. Obviously, that was not a good rain outfit. We stopped at a super Target and ran inside to make a last minute purchase. They had some boots on clearance and this rain coat. I through both of them in the cart, and $50 later we were back in the car. When we got to Logan, the rain had all stopped....
Ellen and I were so excited to see all the animals. I promise Jared and Derek were with us, they just didn't happen to care enough to be in any photos.
First of all, lets all melt over my "purse", it's actually a camera bag from Jo Totes. I bought this for our upcoming road trip and this was my first run with it. I LOVE IT!
If you follow me on insta you already saw this photo. Jared insisted that I take a photo with this man. It was just a huge bonus that he looked like Santa and has a tiny little tongue that remind me of an elf sticking out in the photo.
These goats were twins and were 8 days old. Their names are Thelma and Louise.
I can't tell you how badly I wanted this bunny. I think Logan is a farming town? I have no idea, but all these animals were for sale and there was actually people buying goats! I begged Jared for this bunny, but he immediately turned me down. I think Indiana would love a bunny brother.
A little kid walked up while Ellen was holding this goat and asked if he could hold it. The girl monitoring who could and couldn't hold the goat was probably only 8, but she looked over and told the other child "Only grown ups can hold him." Apparently only at this point, did Ellen realize she was a grown up. Not when she went to college, got married, moved away from home... Only when an 8 year old called her a grown up and let her hold a goat.
Happy Baby Animal Day!
Have you ever held a baby goat?