Current Confession: I don't want to go home! Bluestone has been such a nice break, I wish we could live here, I love the lodge and the layout of it, the views, the lake..

Current Product Find: Chirps! The lovely people at Two Chicks sent me these in 3 flavours (sour cream & onion, sea salt and cracked black pepper, smokey jalapeño) and we have been loving them! They are a crisp type product made from free range egg whites so are higher protein and lower fat than regular crisps which is brilliant. I was worried they'd be similar texture to a rice cake which I'm not a fan off but to me they are more like regular crisps, they have a good crunch and a lot of flavor. My favorite is probably the sour cream & onion, I have nearly eaten them all as I've been snacking on them most days! Current Plan: A day at the beach! It's meant to be gorgeous weather here today so we aren't going to rush home, we're going to go to the beach for a few hours first as Sienna hasn't been for ages! Current Purchase: This week has been full of food and coffee! Current Drink: Always coffee although when it's hot I love an Iced coffee or cold Chocolate milk!

Current Holy Moly: Sienna's hair! When did it get so long?! It makes her look so grown up, it's just getting longer and thicker by the day! Current Show: Pretty Little Liars! I've even got Warren into it, haha! We spend most evenings watching it although for some reason Netflix hasn't worked in Bluestone so we haven't watched any this week! Current Want: A new wardrobe! I realised I have no clothes for the Summer so I end up sweating to death in jeans, not a good look! Current Obsession: I've been on Pinterest obsessing over maxi skirts worn casually, I'm not sure if it would look right on me but I'm going to try some on and see?!

What are you currently obsessing over?
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