Hair & Beauty Magazine

Curly Tops! 10 Reasons Why I'm Embracing My Curls

By Becca @glowgetterbecca
I’ve always been BIG into straightening my hair. I’ve spent hundreds on straightening irons, relaxers and Brazilian blow-dries over the year. But this summer I did something I haven’t done in 11 years – I went curly! And I am converted. Ok I haven’t thrown out the straighteners just yet – but I haven’t used them in like 3 months! As a hard core straightening fiend, I think that deserves some credit… :)

It's a bit of a work in progress - a decade of straightening damage has kinda killed my curls, but I'm getting there! Soon I'll have curls any YouTube curly girl would be proud of.

Here are the ten reasons why I love my curly hair:

  1. It gets much more attention than it does when it's straight.
  2. It's a little bit different.
  3. It's soooo much less hassle than straightening.
  4. In the summer I don’t have to get all hot and bothered using hot tools, like blowdryers and straightening irons, to get my hair straight (only to have it frizz up at the first drop of sweat or humidity).
  5. And in the winter I don’t have to worry about getting caught in the rain and dealing with the ensuing and inevitable frizz bomb.
  6. It takes little to NO time to get ready in the morning. 
  7. Curly styling is much less damaging for my hair, because I don't need to use heat…
  8. ...which makes it great if you’re trying to grow your hair (which I AM!)
  9. Not only is it less damaging than straightening, it is actually really good for my hair because I can put lots more moisturising products in, which would normally weigh my straightened hair down.
  10. I can't monitor hair growth - I'm normally like "when's it gonna groooooow" "It never grooooooooows", but I can't really tell how long my hair is when it's curly hair, so when I straighten it after a while I get a nice surprise seeing how long it got while I wasn't watching.
Curly Tops! 10 reasons why I'm embracing my curls

I'm using the CG (Curly Girl Method) outlined in The Curly Girl Handbook by Lorraine Massey to look after and bring out my curls. It has really helped me and I would definitely recommend this for anyone looking to transition back to their natural texture. I also watch lots of YouTube Curly Gurus on the regs for advice and tips, so will post about my favourites soon!

I still loooove my locks straight, but I am very much enjoying my natural texture at the mo (Finally)!

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