As I was making my goals for 2014, I thought I want to make BEAUTIFUL cupcakes! To accomplish a goal, you have to lay out a plan. Step 1-Find an expert
Step 2- Contact the expert Step 3- Schedule cupcake decorating class
Step 4- Buy supplies and ingredients Step 5- Bake cupcakes and let cool
Step 6- Cupcake decorating class with expert Step 7- Eat, give and enjoy!
Last night my friend Toni of Food. (JustSayin’) came to my house and taught me how to make yummy, fluffy icing and decorate cupcakes. I had so much fun! I think my husband was even excited that I will not be making anymore UGLY cupcakes!

After the meeting I approached several of the ladies that had eaten a cupcake and were taking some home for their family. I gave each of them Emily’s card and shared her story and purpose of Paying it Forward in her memory. I encouraged them to read the card, keep it and then pass her story and the card along. They were all touched by Emily’s story and what her family is doing to keep her memory alive. One of the ladies even said, “I’m taking this home and sharing it with my son!”
As I was thinking of what to title this blog I thought about My Cupcake Dream as it was my dream to learn how to decorate a cupcake. But then as I started writing and started to think about all the things I’ve learned about Emily over these past couple of years I changed it to Cupcake Dreamer. Emily was a dreamer and like a cupcake her life was colorful, sweet, enjoyed by many and brought a smile to the faces of those in its presence. I think Emily was definitely a Cupcake Dreamer!
If you don’t know Emily’s story, here is what it is on the Pay Forward card I mentioned earlier:

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