Expat Magazine
Three years ago, I had spent almost 20 years living in large, chaotic cities in Asia and decided it was time for a change. I’ve always been fascinated by the Greek islands, and Crete is an excellent island for living on year-round. It’s not solely dependent on tourism and it doesn’t go into hibernation during the winter like most of the smaller islands do.
Have you heard the Eagles’ song “Hotel California”? There is a line in the song that goes, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” That’s how I feel about Crete now. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Crete is my home! I even say it on video... take a look below.
Have you heard the Eagles’ song “Hotel California”? There is a line in the song that goes, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” That’s how I feel about Crete now. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Crete is my home! I even say it on video... take a look below.