Biology Magazine

Creationist: Aliens Are Actually Demons

Posted on the 11 July 2016 by Reprieve @EvoAnth

Way back in the early 2000s, creationists tried to get their "science" taught in classrooms. They wanted to redefine science in such a manner they'd be accepted within it. Before this approach failed, it did reveal something interesting. Based upon the new definition of "science", astrology would be included. This is quite telling; showing just how lax the creationist standard of evidence is. As I've been documenting for some time, the creationist perspective of evidence (and their "science") hasn't improved. And now it's led to the acceptance of something arguably even crazier than astrology: the claim aliens are actually demons.

And this isn't some fringe idea either. It's found on the pages of Creation Ministries International, the granddaddy of modern creationist groups which gave rise to many others; including Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis (and their silly ark).

Demons posing as aliens

The bizarre article in question is called " UFOs are not extraterrestrial" and is by Gary Bates, their resident UFOlogist. He's written dozens of articles on the subject for CMI, along with a book that expands on this position. The gist of the article is that UFO encounters are totes real, but cannot be alien in nature. Instead, he suggests they must be encounters of a "spiritual" nature. What exactly does that mean? It depends on you ask, Gary doesn't elaborate in the article. But his readers think its demons, others place the blame on fallen angels; whilst elsewhere Gary himself has claimed they may well be the direct work of Satan himself. And for all I know, all those three options could be the same thing. Demonic theology isn't exactly my strong point.

Now normally, I might deconstruct this idea and explain exactly why it's nonsense. But I don't think that's necessary here. Instead, I'll be picking out some choice quotes Gary and CMI are advocating in the 21st century. THE 21ST CENTURY *sigh*. Because it turns out when you throw out science, all sorts of nonsense can replace it.

First up is Gary's account of how he came to be convinced. When investigating UFOs, he found they weren't hoaxes or mistakes, but something more evil.

Elsewhere, he elaborates on the message of these aliens (that life evolved elsewhere); which proves they're Satanic in nature.

And his readers agree with him, commenting

All of which is nicely summarised by a press release about Gary's book tour.

Creationist: Aliens are actually demons

Demonic aliens trying to convince you of evolution

So why are the demons going through all this effort? To convince you evolution is true of course! That draws people away from the Christian worldview, towards hell.

But that's an "if." Does he really think its aliens? It seems so

Adding elsewhere

Creationist: Aliens are actually demons

Science works. And when you break it, bad ideas creep in. There's just no stopping them, as all this demonstrates.

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