Humor Magazine

Crackhead in the Cupboard Says – Give Blood To Save Lives!

By Gingerfightback @Gingerfightback

Hi Kids,

Giving blood is one of the best things we can do to help others!

cupboard crackhead copy


Unfortunately due to my shared needle experience in years past (another money saving tip for a future post) my blood is not exactly top-notch - but every cloud has a silver lining and the local butcher, Chortling Charlie – a man with an outstanding track record in the preparation of contaminated meat products can always find a use for a pint or two of me old red stuff.

His Crack Pudding is worth dieing for.

Locally sourced and keeping the air miles to a minimum. Organic food as it should be.

So Kids – If you can’t donate blood – why not have  a word with your butcher?

Peace and Love

Uncle Crackhead

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