we took a caribbean cruise back in january for our babymoon. our stops were haiti, jamaica, mexico, and grand cayman. my favorite stop was cozumel mexico where we rented a jeep and drove around part of the island. we had THE best food for lunch and enjoyed the most beautiful beaches. i really want to go to back spend more time there and hop over to tulum. i could never eat enough mexican food, especially when it's authentic. i took this cruise as an opportunity to get 'summery' maternity photos since i was pregnant with florence during the winter. i was 26 weeks pregnant and started having contractions on the boat and they pretty much never stopped until i had her. there was one night where i got really scared and spent the evening laying in our room timing my contractions. they were every two minutes for over two hours but weren't painful.. just nerve wracking. glad she managed to stay put until full term!