The winner of The Boys of Summer is...
Bookworm Brandee! I've sent in your info(:
The winner of The Voice is...
Rynald (forgive me if I spelled it wrong, I already closed the tab with your entry and sent in your info...)
Congrats! (:
Reviews will be delayed until our post on the 30th, because I want to have my reviews on NOR (Night Owl Reviews) up first (so I can link it up-- the reviews are not the same).
Now, the Cover War:
Hi! I'm going to start doing these a LOT, so be ready! (: Also, be sure to enter our current giveaways! Oh,
What book will get the honor of being FanGirl Hostess' FIRST Cover War? Hmmm... what book is better than my favorite in the entire world? None, right?! RIGHT! 'Cause it's my favorite. In. The. Entire. World.
Shatter Me by: Tahereh Mafi!
First cover:
Second cover:
My Thoughts:
Book cover #2 all the way. I love the way the letters look and feel, and everything else about it is just beautiful. The newer cover, cover #1, is really growing on me though.
What do YOU think? Hmmm? Agree? Disagree?
Thanks for visiting us! If you like to read and review books, don't forget to sign up as a tour host for FanGirl Book Tours! Details on our blog under the "FanGirl Book Tours" tab. Oh, and the service is FREE! Any interested authors? (::