Fashion Magazine

Corner of Creation – Butternut Squash Lasagne

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls



Now that i’m out of work one of the main things I do is cook dinner, I have most of the day at home and as I can’t afford to pay board then it’s only fair that I contribute in another way.

My mom had said she wanted butternut squash lasagne, and so I set out with making one. I didn’t follow a recipe at all, I just made it up as I went along so I can’t give you an exact recipe but I can tell you what I used and the method I went with.


The first thing I did was collect up all of my vegetables I used, a butternut squash, courgette, red pepper, mushrooms, onion, and sweet potato. I ended up not using the sweet potato though.



I love how colourful it is!


I chopped my butternut squash, red pepper, half a courgette, and a handful of mushrooms and stuck them in a bowl which I put to one side while I fried up some onion. I only used half a n onion as that is all we had, so I fried it up in a minimal amount of oil before adding all the veg.


I would advise you use a bigger pan, mine was piled quite high and as you can see in the next picture I did get it all over the hob. I’d advise adding the courgette, mushrooms, and pepper before the butternut squash so that you can cook them a little with the oil. You might also want to add some garlic before your squash, I didn’t because I was planning on using some tinned tomatoes with garlic in.


I discovered that we didn’t have tinned tomatoes however we did have some passata so I added that to the pan and did my best to get it all mixed together. I added some basil, oregano, black pepper, and barbeque sauce, just to get the taste that I like, and what I expect from a lasagne.


I managed to throw half the pack of lasagne across the kitchen floor! To keep it quite low fat I choose not to add a white sauce and instead just sprinkled a little bit of cheese over the top when it had almost finished cooking.


It went down well, the folks enjoyed it and my mom was gutted that it was my stepdad who got to have the leftovers for his tea the next night because she went out.

This is something that was easy to cook, even if I did use a pan that was too small and created a lot of mess! I prepared and constructed it in the early afternoon so come dinner time there wasn’t much for me to do and my mom came home to a nice clean house.

Tink x

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