By Nadine Kazuba
Nyungura is his family name. He is usually known as Corneille. He is Canadian of Rwandan

He recently published his autobiography where he tells his life story so far.
Nadine Kazuba helps us in the following paragraphs travel along some paths of Corneille’s extraordinary journey.
As Kazuba puts it, Corneille’s journey of which the most tragic moments are told almost 22 years after they occurred, is similar to million others of young and not so young Rwandans who survived or didn’t.
Kazuba stresses the importance of survivors to tell the truth as they know it, as they are indebted to millions who didn’t make it.
Well, so many times I tell myself that I am completely done with the whole Rwandan politics, what happened, whatever is currently happening, who did what and so forth! Sometimes I argue with my family because there is times when I don’t want to hear none of that! But then, I come across something that makes me revisit that part of me…
There is a story that is currently hot on Rwandan websites. It is about the book called ” Là Où Le Soleil Disparaît” meaning “Where The Sun Disappears”. It is a biography of a Rwandan artist Corneille Nyungura. Corneille is a successful, international musician currently residing in Canada. He is mostly popular in French speaking countries since most of his work is in French language.
The reason why his biography has touched so many is because of him revealing THE TRUTH!! The truth that is considered a crime by Rwandan regime if told! The truth about the atrocities that have been committed by the Rwandan regime, the former RPF (rebel group). The truth that most of Rwandans share but are so afraid to speak out because of ruthless government that is still oppressing and threatening everyone that speaks against them,whether Rwandan or not.. The truth that makes up lots of unspoken stories of families, women, men and children who are victims of Rwandan regime. It is also the truth that media does not want to surface because its not in their own interests.
Corneille’s biography incriminates Rwandan regime (former RPF) to be the ones who have killed his entire family. He was a young teen just like most of us during that time of 1994. He remembered what he saw… when his parents, two little brothers and little sister were murdered. His mom woke him up to come to the living room. There, he saw his entire family in the living room with RPF rebels present. He mentions above (pictured extract) that he was able to tell that it was RPF due to the Swahili language that the rebels were using among themselves. Swahili was not really a part of Rwandan languages then. Most spoken was the native ( Rwandan ) and French. Anyway, they shot and killed his family on the spot and he was able to escape solely!! A miracle!!!
I can’t stress enough how proud I am of this guy! Some have argued that why did he wait so long to come out? Well, he has his reasons! Most importantly he finally did it. His story is having an impact, mostly because he is a known artist but, this should continue even if. There is lots of stories like his in our hearts. Some so deep! They sure need to come out because we owe it to the ones that lost their lives and their departure has been completely ignored, just because they are different. The justice will only be executed only if people speak out. Everyone should be responsible of what they have done and Rwandan government shouldn’t be an exception. By the way, Rwandan government is already heated lying as usual that the guy is being used against them. Shame on them! ( ).
Ps: haven’t read the book yet but I am so looking forward …